Someone asked me at a party recently why I got into the corporate world at such a young age. I truthfully responded that there were a lot of reasons, such as the great earning prospects, getting experience early, setting up a career, all of that stuff. On top of that, I just like my job, even though it can get tough. I like going to work in a suit, working in an air-conditioned office, and I do love me some crunching numbers. I might only be 24, but I feel like I’m doing something with my life.
There was one thing I didn’t mention, though, because it’s straight up embarrassing. I need the money…for daily salon sessions. I found myself the best Melbourne hairdresser, and…well, I KNOW. Why would anyone need that, right?? You have no idea. I’ve always hated the look of myself with really short hair (like, buzz-cut style), and all the young, hip professional business-people have their $80 haircuts to make them look amazing on the train and in the office and making deals and so forth. My hair? It’s IMPOSSIBLE. Frizzy, fuzzy, fluffy, stubborn and thick. SO THICK. About one day a month I can make it look good, but when you’re working in the business world, that’s not good enough. If I don’t go into work looking like I’ve just had my hair styled by a Hollywood expert, I’ll be shunned.
And so that’s what I’ve been doing. I have a deal on the DL with a bunch of salons, they give me a similar look every day before I go into work and viola. I make sure it doesn’t look too good, because I still want people to think I did it in the mirror that morning with a comb and twenty seconds. But still, it does look good. Good enough.
No idea what would happen if my secret was ever released, and the way it is right now, I have to get up 45 minutes early every morning just to get to the salons and have my hair done. I swear I’m not that vain; my hair is just a wild stallion, and I have no choice. On the plus side, if you need a stylish Melbourne hair salon that can tame a wild mane with their incredible products and techniques, I can hook you up. Quick work, too.